Addendum....fixing everything....(#9)


The modern phrase might be "root cause analysis" or "peeling back the layers of the onion" or simply "what went wrong"....

no matter the expression, same as in the New Testament scriptural story of Jesus, Mary and Martha, all the human problems in the world are due to humans not doing "the best part" of Mary in uniting themselves totally in love to God, where nothing else truly matters past that loving contemplative gaze and union, which then in-forms everything else.

Looking for a reason for the collapse of marriage? Where the purpose of marriage is that of two souls devoting themselves totally to doing what is best for each other (union with God always first on that list) and always putting self last, united in their search for, and union with, God, where the marriage physical union, same as the love between Father and Son eternally begetting the love-personified  Holy Spirit, results in new life and love to share, and where they devote themselves to raising children devoted to love of God and others, a microcosm of the Church itself...saints raising saints, holy people raising holy people...the not-doing of this is destroying the institution and reducing it to a business contract able to be made and dissolved by/between anyone, or soon, anything.

What of worldly clerics and scandal in the churches, what of sexual addiction and deviance apart from that life-giving union, what of the greed of pornography, what of violence and theft and murder and war?....what of injustice legally and socially, what of seeking always to excuse the fruits of personal greed and lust for power and possessions?....what of arguing over meanings of divinely revealed truths and commandments in order to dilute the control of personal greed, what of poverty being allowed to exist by the greedy not sharing of their surplus, what of focus only on societal/political issues and shallow entertainments, in order to fritter away an empty life, and what of a world nearly devoid of true selfless love?

It is hoped any reader can see that near all the world's ills, and certainly all of those man-made ills, would be cured by each person being an expression of selfless love, a reflection of God....and there is only one way to get there, selfless love for God, first, until self is erased.

As for the rest of the ills, to include natural disaster and death, and the sadness of those who refuse God and the pain they inflict in their greed, when you are united to eternal Love in life and in death, where death only frees you of the limitations of physical restrictions and weakness, and you then absolutely and totally united with the God of ALL for all time and beyond, of what matter are the concerns of the always-passing-away physical world? United to God, you know what needs doing as love demands, and the rest is of no concern.

Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.

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