Addendum 5...On the writings/translations of St. John of the Cross...

and the difficulties they can present to readers. Again, St. John of the Cross was a true spiritual master who dove deeply into the ways we delude ourselves and risk a false spirituality unless these falsehoods eliminated. The problem for readers is the archaic Spanish of florid style, including for modern native Spanish speakers. I recently had an internet discussion in a comment section with a seeker who gushed over a particular translation published by the Carmelite Studies house, so with great interest I looked into this translation. I already had a bad feeling about it, as the seeker praised how it lacked the cloying sweetness of so many translations....I was polite enough to only thank them for the resource while refraining from saying that Castilian Spanish WAS sickeningly sweet and flowery, IF accurately translated, and lacking that, it is not a translation but, instead, an edited rewrite. Looking up the information on the Carmelite translators (Fathers Kieran Kavanaugh an...